Thursday, March 30, 2006

Two of my favorite photos of my son, A.J., when he was two years old, with his first guitar! Joe gave it to him on a San Francisco visit, and it never left his side for a long, long while. The photo of A.J. alone was taken on his second birthday, and the photo where he's being photographed, by my dad, was the summer before he turned two, so he's technically 1 1/2 years old there. Can you believe that?!

The little sweatsuit he's wearing was a favorite for a long time, too, from Aunt Amy.

These are great memories.

We've been making some new memories today. He's 16 and learning to drive, and that in itself is something I shall never forget!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

On my last night in Oregon (for now). I'm purely exhausted, and happy, but also ready to go home tomorrow. I've not finished my two papers for Tuesday night's classes, and I need to be at home to really focus on them. Here, there is so much calling to me other than my studies!

If I can remember to do this, I'll take a quick photo of me with my red convertible tomorrow before returning it to the rental car people. It's been fun driving it, even if I did get lost a bit this weekend.

I tend to get lost easily (yes, you already knew that!), and even people who know their way around the maze that is the West Hills and Southwest Hills area of Portland get lost here, so it's been amusing these past two days!

I never panic, just keep driving 'til I figure it out. Tonight I even pulled over to consult my map, which was of no help because it wasn't detailed enough to show me quite where I was.

But I made my way back up into the hills and to my beautiful "home" at this bed and breakfast mansion. So now I'm tucked in, and ready for sleep.

I miss my Polly and my A.J. and my beautiful bed, my Minnesota friends, and my routine. Oregon was a great trip, but maybe it's been a bit exhausting to be on my own in a brand new place for a whole week, traveling and working every day. I did my normal amount of proofreading this week, which means about 20-25 hours of work, while on the road. Phew!

As my Gramma Bunny would say, "Go to sleep, little Brinie!"


and Claire, if you're reading this, I am SO proud of you. Dreams do come true. Love, Brina

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Here are two more beautiful moments
from last night's sunset. Aren't the colors delicate?

Friday, March 24, 2006

Two sea otters in their cove, at the Oregon Coast Aquarium,
and a female human!

I did meet some other humans from the Green Mountain state of Vermont at this aquarium today; that was really fun. I really liked the OCA, so much so that I became a member. Also I found out about many kinds of turtles: my favorite was the snake-neck turtle, so named because his neck can extend really, really far like a snake. Amazing creature! And I got to visit with a red octopus. You know how I am about those octopi...or maybe you don't know. Well, I love them too.

Even picked up a little present for A.J. I hope he likes it.

Sunset tonight at the beautiful Newport beach, right at my hotel.

I must have spent a total of two hours at this beach today, and several hours at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. Now I must work hard tonight on my school and proofreading work. But it has been a gorgeous ocean day. Fills me up with joy!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I made it! I'm at the Oregon coast, in a hotel room perched above the surf. Here in Newport, Oregon, it's officially Whale Watching Week. I will do my part!

The drive from Lake Oswego, south of Portland, to here, took me almost three hours. I'm pretty exhausted, but happy.

I know, I promised a photo a day, didn't I?
Haven't taken any yet...but today I drive to the Oregon coast, so there will be many photo possibilities there.

I love Portland.

It's odd how we are drawn back to elements of our childhood as we age. I grew up in Vermont where it was very green. Oregon, too, is very green. I grew up near mountains. Oregon has mountains. I grew up visiting the ocean; Oregon has the ocean. These are the natural elements that I crave.

I have loved Minnesota living, but I need to be by the ocean to be completely myself, so when the opportunity comes in 2008, I need to move west. I'm sure that I'll miss Minnesota and I know that I'll miss my friends and routine from my Minnesota life, but I also know it's right for me to move forward, rather than staying put.

So far, my research about Oregon has shown me a very strong possibility that I could do well here. I spent yesterday afternoon with a realtor, a fabulous woman my age, exploring neighborhoods and touring a few houses within my price range. It was a great afternoon. I learned so much. I feel that it was chapter one of my Oregon education.

Leaving this hotel for the ocean in another hour or so. I'll have to post a photo of my car: it's a convertible! Of course, Oregon is cloudy and rainy so much that I doubt that I'll even take the top down on my sporty car, but it's fun anyway.

I'll write and post a photo tonight. Vroom vroom....

Monday, March 20, 2006

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go!

to Oregon...Portland, and then Newport, and then Portland again. An adventure, a solo trip, wow!

I'm hoping that I'll fall in love with Oregon, 'cause I'm considering living there post-master's degree, 2008. I have a good feeling about this adventure.

Every day I'm there, I plan to blog with a photo, so you can see some of what I'm seeing. Should be fun.

Friday, March 17, 2006

I bought these two lovely pieces of furniture for my "nest" and had them delivered this week, from Bombay Company. The little chest is for my feminine nice things, what our great-grandmothers might have called "unmentionables", in my bedroom, and the large wall mirror is now up in the entryway of my apartment. It's gorgeous!

I need all of my blogger friends to send up some positive thoughts and prayers for my health right now. That fall I took last week? I think it was worse than I knew. I'm also suffering from a UTI--another unmentionable--and possibly something going on with my kidneys. I'm going to the dr. this afternoon about my horrible mid-back pain, which may be related to kidneys, UTI, and/or my fall.

Egads. It's not an easy time.

Thank you all. Love, Brina

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wow! We have eagles nesting near our neighborhood!

I've seen an eagle flying overhead very close to where our building is located, several times, and today I was driving the little hill up to our development when I looked up in the highest, very tall tree. I saw a big nest and an eagle sitting next to it! It was an awesome sight. I am so thrilled. These trees are so old and tall, and they sit above a small railroad track and a bridge. The eagles will not be disturbed there.

I will try to photograph the nest and eagle tomorrow.

We're supposed to get more snow tonight. Winter comes late here, huh?!

Haven't been blogging much 'cause I'm still in pain since I fell last week. Everything's quite an effort right now and I'm just barely making it.

Looking forward to my Portland (Oregon) trip next week. I may need massages and hot tub soaks to make it through, with this body!

I need a good laugh, I think! Anybody got a funny story for me????

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Minnesota's Number 34, Kirby Puckett, was laid to rest this weekend.

A really moving memorial service for Kirby Puckett tonight. I stayed in and watched it on local tv, live. We're supposed to get a snowstorm tonight and it was simpler to watch the service from home than to brave the weather and roads and crowds to be there in person.

You know, the thing I remember most about Kirby isn't his baseball achievements, though they were awesome. It's his joy and exuberance, and his hug, which I was lucky enough to experience several times over the years. My connection to Kirby came through my then-husband, who was a sportswriter covering the Twins for the paper here for many years. Kirby called him "Sink" and he called our son "Little Sink"! I guess you've really made it if Kirby has a nickname for you. Of course I was "Mrs. Sink," what else would he have called me?!

I knew Kirby from when he was first on the team in 1984 (the year I got married!). He and his teammates were a lot of fun, esp. down in spring training in Florida, and they were always really kind and fun with me. I got ribbed because I used to bring a book or even piano music to study at the ballpark in spring training. Those were long games! One of Kirby's fellow Twins, Mickey Hatcher, used to clown around on the field trying to get my attention when he'd see my nose in a book. Very fun guys.

The last time I saw Kirby personally was at one of the reunion parties for the championship Twins. The time I remember was the 1997 party, but I think I saw him at one in 2001 as well. At the '97 party, it was a few months after our baby Ethan had died, and Kirby expressed his sympathy and gave me an extra-big hug. Both he and Kent Hrbek always struck me as deeply feeling guys, for all their goofy exteriors they are both very soulful men. Kent showed that depth tonight when he spoke at the service. It must have been really hard for him.

I think that the memorial service, as public as it had to be, was able to capture some of Kirby's best qualities and certainly his soul. I was proud of each of the people who spoke, and I thought that the music was very beautiful and just right. My heart goes out to all of those who are grieving Kirby, and I hope we will all remember him with that great joyful smile and almost childlike exuberance that he showed us.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ow, double ow, triple ow.

I am NOT an Olympic athlete.

I slipped while walking Polly this morning. We had a fresh layer of snow over ice, and I just hit a really icy patch. It's funny, 'cause I thought about falling, when we started our walk and I realized how icy it is out. Then, I did it. Aargh.

It hurts like crazy. I landed on my tailbone (coccyx, what a word!) and also caught myself somewhat on my right wrist, but not the full brunt or my wrist would be more hurt than it is. Mostly I landed on my coccyx.

Changes the complexion of today and I am not looking forward to Tuesday night's four-hour sitting in class adventure. But we will take it one day at a time.


Sunday, March 05, 2006

And here's the whole outfit, but this one was taken at the very end of the night, so I'm not so perky!

It was a rather staid Academy Awards in most ways, I thought. I wish I had seen more of the movies. I'll have to catch up. I especially want to see "Capote" after seeing Philip Seymour Hoffman in the clip from that film.

The only one of the top films I'd seen this year was "Good Night, and Good Luck," which I very much liked.

What did you think?

For me the highlight was seeing Lauren Bacall, and Itzhak Perlman. Otherwise, yawn.

It's Oscar night! I had to take self-portraits so couldn't get my entire ensemble in one shot. Wish you could see! I will try to rope my son into taking my photo when he gets home later. Meanwhile, enjoy the show! I missed the Red Carpet hour because I was working on a very engrossing paper for grad. school. Unbelievable! I missed my favorite part! oooooooops

Friday, March 03, 2006

Don't forget, girls, it's Oscar night on Sunday and we must dress beautifully to watch the Red Carpet arrivals!

I am still deliberating over my evening gown choice, but I promise to be in fine form and I will even post a photo of myself that night. It should be fun!

Now I challenge the rest of you to join me!

Guys, you can dress up too...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What can you do when a friend shuts you out?

I've always responded with patience, almost super-human patience.

I don't know what else to do.

What do you do when this happens?

A social psychology experiment?!

Years ago, when I was in my mid-twenties, I had returned to college to finish up my BA. I was taking all Psychology classes at a Catholic women's school. I lived off campus with Howard, and we were engaged to be married.

I am a woman but not a Catholic, and it was sometimes very interesting to be in that college population.

I was raised in the Congregational church in Vermont. That's a form of Protestantism, similar to the United Church of Christ. I had very little exposure to Catholicism until I went to this college, and even then, my exposure was limited to the "plain-clothes nuns" who taught some of the classes, and an occasional conversation with one of my classmates about religion.

One Wednesday, I went to the psychology building for my back-to-back psych. classes: Developmental Psych. followed by Statistics, both with the same professor, Dr. Thieman, whom I adored. I got into class a bit early and settled in, watching all of the other students as they arrived. The first girl who came in had a sort of mark on her forehead, like dirt. I noted this and didn't think much about it. Next, more girls came in, all with smudges on their foreheads. Everyone said "Hi" to me normally, and soon the room was full. Dr. Thieman walked in with a smudge on HIS forehead, and I started to wonder what was up.

My true feeling was that they were all in on some fancy social psych. experiment, and that they must be watching me and the few non-smudged people in class to see what we'd do or say. I just tried to ignore it...and soon class was over. Traditionally, Dr. Thieman and I would walk to the Stats class together. I had pretty much resolved to ask him about this social psych. experiment he was heading up, when I heard one of my classmates say something about Ash Wednesday!

I love this story.

I'm still experiencing some of these types of "Oh!" moments, now that I'm attending Bethel, which is a Christian university. I am a Christian, but not of the same denomination as the founders of Bethel, so there are many times when I just plain don't get it. I'll write about one of those times soon, as there's something coming up on campus that illuminates my "difference" from the Bethel mainstream.