Sunday, March 26, 2006

On my last night in Oregon (for now). I'm purely exhausted, and happy, but also ready to go home tomorrow. I've not finished my two papers for Tuesday night's classes, and I need to be at home to really focus on them. Here, there is so much calling to me other than my studies!

If I can remember to do this, I'll take a quick photo of me with my red convertible tomorrow before returning it to the rental car people. It's been fun driving it, even if I did get lost a bit this weekend.

I tend to get lost easily (yes, you already knew that!), and even people who know their way around the maze that is the West Hills and Southwest Hills area of Portland get lost here, so it's been amusing these past two days!

I never panic, just keep driving 'til I figure it out. Tonight I even pulled over to consult my map, which was of no help because it wasn't detailed enough to show me quite where I was.

But I made my way back up into the hills and to my beautiful "home" at this bed and breakfast mansion. So now I'm tucked in, and ready for sleep.

I miss my Polly and my A.J. and my beautiful bed, my Minnesota friends, and my routine. Oregon was a great trip, but maybe it's been a bit exhausting to be on my own in a brand new place for a whole week, traveling and working every day. I did my normal amount of proofreading this week, which means about 20-25 hours of work, while on the road. Phew!

As my Gramma Bunny would say, "Go to sleep, little Brinie!"


and Claire, if you're reading this, I am SO proud of you. Dreams do come true. Love, Brina


At 12:40 AM, Blogger Koos F said...

Hi Brina,
The barge is moored on the Thames next to Pete's studio in Twickenham, opposite hiss home town Richmond. It is additional studio space.
In last Wednesday's In The Attic Simon T hopped over from barge to attic for a chat. He mentioned a chair thet started rolling. That's when the tide is ou and the barge is grounded, but not quite horizontal!

See more about the barge (and pictures) if you like.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Thanks, Koos! I am glad to know that about the barge. I had to give up on last week's ITA because of the feed I was getting, so I missed hearing Simon talk about the barge.

Hope all's well with you.

Hugs, Brina

At 5:25 PM, Blogger grace said...

Hi Brina, sounds like you had a good trip. Good to get home though, huh? I too have missed, actually the last 2 ITA because of slow feed. Frustrating when the computer does that. Give Polly a hug for me. What kind of dog is Polly?

At 10:09 AM, Blogger JoeBoy said...

Hope you got your school work done. Get some rest. Your trip sounds like a great time.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Claire Eliza said...

Hey Brina, thank you so much for the great words you've left me. The show was amazing, my life is complete.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hiya Claire dear,
Let's see, "How I Spent My Spring Break," by Claire Eliza. "My parents and I visited lots of important places in rock history, and then Rachel Fuller invited me to be the special guest on her live webcast, so I got to hang out with my friends Rachel and Mikey and Simon and Pete Townshend, answer their questions, listen to them play music, and sing along. Then we went out for a burger!"

Love ya, Claire. I love it that your straight A's in school brought you to take that trip with your parents. You rock!

Remember when I posted photos of my son? Today he was home when the show was on, so he got to see you too, for a bit! Cool, huh?


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