Thursday, March 23, 2006

I know, I promised a photo a day, didn't I?
Haven't taken any yet...but today I drive to the Oregon coast, so there will be many photo possibilities there.

I love Portland.

It's odd how we are drawn back to elements of our childhood as we age. I grew up in Vermont where it was very green. Oregon, too, is very green. I grew up near mountains. Oregon has mountains. I grew up visiting the ocean; Oregon has the ocean. These are the natural elements that I crave.

I have loved Minnesota living, but I need to be by the ocean to be completely myself, so when the opportunity comes in 2008, I need to move west. I'm sure that I'll miss Minnesota and I know that I'll miss my friends and routine from my Minnesota life, but I also know it's right for me to move forward, rather than staying put.

So far, my research about Oregon has shown me a very strong possibility that I could do well here. I spent yesterday afternoon with a realtor, a fabulous woman my age, exploring neighborhoods and touring a few houses within my price range. It was a great afternoon. I learned so much. I feel that it was chapter one of my Oregon education.

Leaving this hotel for the ocean in another hour or so. I'll have to post a photo of my car: it's a convertible! Of course, Oregon is cloudy and rainy so much that I doubt that I'll even take the top down on my sporty car, but it's fun anyway.

I'll write and post a photo tonight. Vroom vroom....


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