Friday, October 05, 2007

Today my handsome son was part of the Homecoming Court at his school. Here he is escorting the lovely Kristin at the Coronation. Later, she was crowned Queen, and one of the other male candidates was crowned King. There were six boys and six girls in the running.

It was a very proud day for me. He managed to be relaxed looking, yet respectful, funny yet classy. He danced! He was a gentleman. He was himself. And the crowd loved him!

Aren't they looking good?


At 8:29 PM, Blogger grace said...

Hello Brina,

He looks very handsome. And the girls look beautiful. You are proud Mom!! So wonderful, I see where he gets his good qualities from.

hope you are well, a kiss for Polly

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Thanks, Grace! He's my pride and joy. I am proud of him every day.

Polly's having a quiet day after a rather raucous one yesterday. It's very hot and humid outside today, so I've got the A/C running and she's resting in the bedroom.

Can you teach me how to do what you did at your blog, download a file from youtube?


At 8:12 PM, Blogger grace said...

well, you bring up the video and then to the right is an 'embedded' code, highlight that, copy it, then move over to your blog, go to edithtml, then paste it, it should be there. then publish the post. It should work, a very nice blogger at wilkonews.blogspot.(simon) showed me how. If you have any problems let me know, because it took me awhile to learn it, and am so willing to help anyone who wants to do that!

Let me know Brina, or I shall check back here to look for a Youtube video!!


At 6:37 PM, Blogger grace said...

Hello Brina,

Happy Thanksgiving! I am glad to hear you are doing well. You can always count on some happy Brittany pics on my blog, glad you enjoy. 2 weeks without Polly, I know she will be happy, but Mom might be sad. I would be!!

take care, so delighted to hear from you.


At 8:28 AM, Blogger Linda said...

Hi Bri,

I didn't see an email address or earlier post that I could leave you a message on so I'm hoping that you will get one through this post.

I wanted to come by and say thank you for your kind comment on my post about my daughter not coming home for the holidays. That post was actually written last year and Jamie wasn't able to get home for Christmas but this year I managed to have enough money set aside to fly her home. She's been here since last Tuesday and is thoroughly enjoying herself despite (or is that in spite? I can never remember!) of the fact that she and her sister seem to constantly play Family Feud - the Home Version! She'll be here until January 5th so this year's nice long visit will make up, almost, for her not being here at all last year.

Thank you once again for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment and I wish you the best of luck in your move to the Northwest this year. From what I can see of your blog, when I turn 50 next September - I'd like to be like you!

Have a very happy holiday season!

Linda @ Are We There Yet?

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Cathy with a C said...

Merry Christmas, Bri, to you and your loved ones. Hope all is well and wishing you all the best in the new year!


At 11:09 PM, Blogger grace said...

1/12/08 Hi Brina, I hope you are well, just wanted to say Happy New Year to you and Polly!



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