Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Can you see the real me?
This is what 50 looks like, at my house!


At 1:59 AM, Blogger Bri said...

I've been trying very hard to upload a photo to my profile. This is my favorite up-to-the-minute photo because: a) I took it myself, b) I'm at the piano, c) I am wearing blue, a very "me" shade of blue, and d) It was my first day back from my most recent trip to California, so I'm still rather dazed and blissed out, but happy to be home.

Anyway, if I could, I would use this as my profile photo, but so far, I can't! So here it is again.

Still happy, a month later. Can't believe it's October already, can you?


At 9:08 PM, Blogger grace said...

Can you see the real me, can ya, can ya?...

This year has flown by faster than I can remember. I had a very difficult time with the profile pic, no kidding, it took my months of trying different ones for one to take, and it was The Who.

You look great Brina, and I am liking your hair. Looks good, how is sweet Polly? Oh, you must go over to Rachel's forum, title "dogs in the attic" and post a picture of Polly.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Pamela M. Miller said...

You make 50 look wonderful!!

And can you make videos on your little camera? If so, we'd love to see one of you playing the piano on your blog, with sound and all!


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