I promised news of my busy teenager, A.J. So here it is:
is a link which will take you to MTV's Freshmen Video of the Week website. This past week's video was "Big Drag" by Limbeck, a California band who came to Minneapolis to shoot their video. A.J. worked on the making of the video for a weekend during his Spring Break. He was a gopher/assistant/intern and also appears in the video!
Limbeck's video won last week, and that means my kid is on MTV! as well as on their website.
If you watch it, you will see A.J. at approximately the point where the chorus of "Big Drag" is first heard. That shows on the timing on the screen as -2:25 to -2:21. He's the tall guy in the back of the living room, near the mantel, standing quite tall and still, with an afro of curly dark hair. That's my A.J.!
Let me know if you see it...a mom can brag, right? Anyway, even though he wasn't the director, it's a step toward his goal of becoming a filmmaker.