Sunday, August 19, 2007

A pretty magical afternoon in the park near my cousins' home in Coquitlam, B.C., Canada this past week.
My two little cousins are very special to me.
I can't believe that in less than a year, I will live close enough to see them really often! It's going to be great to share their growing-up years.
The neighbor cat, Annie, enjoys their attentions.
Just a beautiful visit, and I also had an exciting and other-worldly trip to Las Vegas just before my Vancouver trip...Vegas was for the Star Trek Convention and time with my favorite guy. Photos will come later on that one.
Now I'm back home for a week, then one more quick trip and then it's time for buckling down to the school, work, and practicum routine of the fall. I'm sure making every day count this last month of summer.
Hope you are, too.


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