My happy afternoon at the Oakland Zoo. I was like a little girl, and as I was with my favorite man in the world, it was a heavenly day. We stayed until they were closing down the zoo for the day. These are some of the outdoor animals we especially enjoyed.
Many of our favorites were indoors, and I didn't photograph them for fear of the flash bothering them. I loved the red-tailed boa constrictor, large tortoises whose name I am forgetting now, alligator who was so still as to be confused with a statue, river otters, brightly colored poisonous frogs (mating!), walking sticks and praying mantis, diving beetles, and these beautiful giraffes and elephants. One giraffe delighted in running. She completely captivated us. We also saw some of the courtship/bonding ritual of the male and female adult giraffe. Wow! is all I can say.
Very few people were at the zoo, and those who were seemed completely happy, just like us. A day that should never end, and one of my last vacation days before school begins again.