Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A New Smile and my Old Back!

They say you are only as young as your spine...well, then today I'm a bit old.

I had one of those back spasms upon waking that literally meant I couldn't stand up without screaming. It took me about an hour to do the essential morning tasks, and for most of those I was stooped over, because it didn't hurt so much if I stayed bent over. Polly had to wait a full hour before I would take her out for her morning pee (would Rachel call that the dog's morning "whee"?). After that, I came in and put the heat wrap around my back, took 1000 mg. of Advil, and called my chiropractor, whom I was already set to see tomorrow. She talked me through the pain (like talking someone down from a ledge, I believe I was a bit panicked)...and gave me practical advice for getting through today.

This was an important day because I had my four-hour dental appt. to have the final stage of the dental implants, well, implanted, as well as the four permanent crowns onto the teeth surrounding my front two teeth.

So I really doped myself up for that, and made my way there, very brave and proud of myself for getting there on time, and they treated me beautifully. I'm home now, on my next dose of quadruple Advil, and managing better. I'm doing a few house chores that don't stress my back, and I'm typing for a few minutes. That's progress.

The new smile is going to look really nice once I'm not all swelled up from the shots. I'm glad I chose one of the whiter shades. Can you believe there are people who choose to have dingier, yellowish shades on their new teeth? hmmm! not this girl!

My back is feeling the effects of too much sitting, studying, and reading, and not enough yoga, exercise, and relaxation. I must remedy this. There has to be a better balance.

I have several weak points in my spine since my car was totaled in 2001. I know this, and I know how I must take care of myself, and I let myself get extra-sedentary during the fall because of school.

For a while in November, I was walking an hour every morning, but I slacked off when it got so Arctic cold.

Now what's my excuse?

I have to get my back in better shape. I will ask my chiro. for some encouragement. I know what to do, I just have to do it!

If you have extra energy, send me some today, please?


P.S. Ouch!

I'll post a photo of my new smile tomorrow, promise! And you must see our tree and reindeer.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger JoeBoy said...

Take care and let yourself heal. It takes time.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Marietta Zervou said...

Oh Brina,
don't tell me about back problems, I know everything!!!
Take very good care of your back, do some exercise whenever you can, yoga and pilates are the best and if it hurts at night, sleep with a pillow under your knees. It relaxes the muscles...

Can't wait to see your brand new smile!!!

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hi Joeboy and Marietta,

You're both very sweet. I'm doing a bit better and doing what I can to rest AND exercise.

M, I was a real yoga fanatic for quite a few years and then added pilates, which disturbed my neck but was great for other parts of me.

I haven't been able to attend yoga classes much during this year and a half of dental implant surgeries--too many restrictions and dangers, I wasn't allowed to put my head below my knees, for example, or take any chance of bumping or jarring during healing--but I am cleared to start again in January. Hurrah!

I like the smooth kind of yoga, hatha yoga is my teacher's label for it, the best.

Do you, too?

Merry Christmas to you both. Hugs, Brina

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Nabonidus said...

Make sure and eat something with all this advil. I'm sure you know-It'll fry your stomach!
I'm glad you're feeling better, I relate to this horrible back stuff.You notice when you were a kid, and you saw someone hamming it up on a sitcom, walking bent over, the laugh track going, it seemed more funny?
And then when you grow up and have back problems, you realize just how damned UNfunny it is? :)
This was my experience. lol
Hope you feel all the way better soon.xoxoLisa


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