Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Do you have a soulmate?

We watched portions of "Good Will Hunting" in my Integration class last night. The therapist, Sean (played by Robin Williams), asks Will (Matt Damon) this question in one of their meetings. I was taking notes...Sean goes on to define "soulmate" as someone who challenges you, someone who makes you see things differently and opens you up.

I think that we tend to equate "soulmate" with romantic love, but of course it doesn't have to be only in romantic love.

Do you have a soulmate?

And Will, who is still in a very smart-alecky phase of their therapist/patient relationship, replies, "I got plenty."


At 12:34 PM, Blogger PTfan said...

: ) Yep. And he's the same person who I am crazy in love with. He really encourages me to be the best I can be. He helps me to see things in a different way so I can understand them better. He's a very creative problem solver. He comes up with very simple ideas/solutions to things that I see as almost impossible. He has a different way of thinking than I do, which is great because his strengths compliment my weaknesses.

Do you have a soulmate?

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Bri said...

ptfan dear, That's really something, that you found it in your husband/partner.

I'm still pondering this one. I feel that perhaps I've been trying always to link up "soulmate" only with romantic love, but maybe it doesn't have to stay only in that box.

I do have people in my life who open me up and challenge me, for sure. Can I have multiple soulmates? Hmmm. I think so!

At 9:44 AM, Blogger JoeBoy said...

Time will tell. I am taking my new relationship slow.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Dale said...

Dear Brina

Typos ARE funny! I did think that it was good I didn't type in "pubic"!

My soul mate is my common-law husband. We have been together 12 years.
When we met, we both felt we had known each other for years. We have a connection that goes beyond everyday communication. It's almost like ESP.
We are past that early honeymoon stage, but I love him more each day.
We can have a row & still look each other in the eye & say I Love You. No 2 people can agree on everything at the same time all the time. But that doesn't change how we feel about each other.
We can go through the bad times as well as the good, knowing we'll be there for each other now matter how bad things get.
We are very lucky.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Marietta Zervou said...


I think we spend all our lives looking for one, when they are already next to us...

I believe I have at least two, my sister and my very best friend for 27 years.
And then there is someone who has challenged me and put me to the test, way beyond the boundaries I thought my personality had. I'm glad he did, I'm a better person now, but is he my soulmate?
Only time will tell.

What is wrong with Rachel's blog tonight? I keep getting a blank screen.


At 11:59 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

I believe my husband is my soul mate...not for the romantic but because we have a lot in each other that balances the other out as well as in common. It is like we are exactly the same yet opposites at the same time. I am also very in love with him.

I also have a soulmate in my friend Charlotte. We are so very much alike and there is not a day that goes by without calling, email or thinking of her and vice versa...I think she is my "kindred spirit" in a sister and she is another ROCK in my life!

I do think you can have more than one soulmate! It is possible as in my experiences! Great topic!!


At 5:05 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Mr. CAB, I do feel that such a deep soul connection can be something magical that's waiting to be discovered between two people.

Almost as though it existed before...we feel that sense of "I'm home" on the first date, for example, and we feel that it would be right to trust and open to this person. Rationally speaking, we should know better, but we don't listen to rational thought, we go with our spirit, intuition, and heart, as well as what our body tells us.

I love everyone's comments on this question.


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