Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The summer when I was 15, my nana was very sick with cancer. She's the grandmother in the portrait a few posts down from this one, Mary Louise.

As a gift to her while she was ill, our family friends Nancy and Jack, who were professional photographers, did a special photo session of me and my sister. I still remember what a big deal it was to get the proofs and see them all!

This is one of the photos that is still kicking around from that session, 1972. I'm just 15, and to tell you the truth, when I look at this photo, I can remember the day it was taken perfectly. It was summer, and we took the photos in Nana and Grampa's backyard, with flowers from their beautiful garden. My sister's photos were really wonderful; she's much more photogenic than I and had a real figure at 16! But mine aren't so bad. They definitely have my personality. I love remembering those still-innocent days.


At 6:09 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Dear C,

I think so, too. Can you see that dreamy look in my eyes? I was often head-in-the-clouds at that age.

Definitely have the Janis Joplin hair going, and I remember Nancy, the photographer, insisting on putting some makeup on me. I didn't wear makeup; I was only 15!

Stay warm now. Polly got frozen feet in the few minutes we walked just now. She did that whimpering, lifting her foot up and hopping thing to the door. Bless her, she was so happy to get inside. I toweled off the snow and she looked happy, as if she were being treated at the spa. What a princess!


At 2:01 PM, Blogger JoeBoy said...

Aw little Brina.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hi Joeboy, You're close. My other grandmother used to call me "Little Brini" (bree-nee!). In fact, she was still calling me "Little Brini" when I was a teenager. I had to correct her a lot.


How are you? I should probably go to your blog to find out.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Marietta Zervou said...

Brina, hellooo!

This is such a beautiful picture. You also look younger than fifteen. It's the innocent look,LOL!

I can imagine Polly in the snow... so cute.
It hasn't snowed in London yet, but they say it will. White Christmas? I wish, although I would prefer if it snowed for four days this week, so everything would go to standstill and I wouldn't have to go to work.


At 6:18 PM, Blogger PTfan said...

What a sweet picture. Thank you for sharing your family memories with us. It is nice to be able to listen to you.

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Claire Eliza said...

I love the picture, it really looks just like you! The flower makes it perfect.
- claire -

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Thanks, pt, Marietta, and Claire too.

How are you all doing tonight? I'm thinking and feeling a lot about John Lennon. So remembering that awful news and how it felt the next day when it began to sink in. There was a documentary about it on tv tonight-- in a rare thing for me, I had the tv on--and I refused to watch it because it seemed to be a show all about the murder of John Lennon, not about his life.

The murderer and murder do not get my time and attention.



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