Sunday, November 06, 2005

Some breakthroughs, I think!

Tonight I did some tai chi, with David Carradine on a video. I think I need to resume tai chi and qi gong practice, for strength, focus, and groundedness. It felt wonderful. I know that I probably can't fit in a class, so I will have to do it with the videos. But it is a good practice to help me through this particularly challenging time. I'm going to try to do either tai chi or qi gong daily. It should help. I feel energetic and good tonight, and I'm focused.

I also had a bit of a breakthrough in one of my assignments. I seem to learn some concepts better when they are visual. This is hugely surprising to me, as I have always thought of myself as distinctly unvisual. In fact, my friend J. tells me I'm the most unvisually oriented person he knows.

I think I'm a kinesthetic learner, primarily, which explains the piano, lightning-fast typing, the affinity for massage, yoga, all things tactile.

When I was very young and learning to play the piano, I used to play my pieces reading the notes, and then I'd also play the same pieces with my eyes closed. I thought it felt so cool to play the piano as if I were blind. I still love that feeling!


At 2:30 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

My best friend Monica who lives in New York City practices tai chi. She loves it and finds in the busy city life there it calms here and she can focus.

I am so happy you found something! Did you hike the other day by chance?


At 7:03 AM, Blogger CozyMama said...

A friend of mine is an instructor of both of those. I have never done either, but know that I should.

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hi BG and jodes,

Tai chi feels very good, and qi gong is similar. You get a lot of strength, energy, and groundedness (centeredness) from the practice.

BG, I didn't hike the other day but just went today. It's a perfect fall day here, very nice for November. Polly and I ran up the hills. She is a great dog. I don't know what I'd do without her!

Exercise sure helps with the blues and with studying blocks. I really am thinking more clearly after a long hike.

Good point about tai chi in a city, it's a good counterpoint to the busyness. But then, we can create a busy world around us no matter where we live, can't we? It's great to slow down and focus only on the breath, the energy, the movement, and where you are in space. I love that about yoga too, and for that matter, sexual intimacy.

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Oh my God, I thought I was the only one who did that "playing the piano as if I were blind" thing! I'm glad to hear someone else enjoys that feeling of fingers knowing where to go on their own, so I'm not crazy after all!


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Bri said...

MB, You're not alone! In fact, I used to coach my piano students to play with their eyes closed on pieces they knew really well (or had memorized). Esp. the adults, who are so afraid of doing something wrong!

Blind piano players, unite...giggle.


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