Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My little bubble of utopian safe feelings has been burst, a bit.

We have lived here in this luxury apartment complex (that's how they advertise it, "luxury apartment homes") for just over a year now. We're in a very safe new neighborhood. It's been so good to feel safe. Not to put it down, but my previous neighborhood was in the city, albeit a residential part of the city, and there was a good deal to make me nervous.

Ok, so I've been really feeling safe here and the crime stats bear me out.

Today when I came home, there were little flyers up all around our building, as well as the other three buildings of our complex, announcing a Safety Meeting for residents, management, and the police of our town (suburb, actually), next week. In the flyer it mentions topics to be discussed, and it includes "the recent carjacking."


I didn't know anything about a carjacking. So I went online and looked in the newspapers, and sure enough, I found out that there was a carjacking incident in the parking garage of one of the four buildings here. I don't know if it was my building or one of the other three, but these are security buildings with security underground parking garages, and yet some guy with a knife snuck up on a woman late at night Saturday night in the parking garage and forced her to get in her car with him. He drove for a few blocks, crashed the car, fled on foot, and was caught and arrested. They both had injuries.

Now we don't know how he got into the garage, or if he was a complete stranger, or what...but it is really not good that my idyllic safe feeling has been shattered.

I drive late at night quite often. I always have Polly with me, so that's good, but this is a really horrible thing to be worried about. Of course, this particular guy is now in custody. But it's the thought of it that makes me so mad. A carjacking in my garage? Not good.


At 2:54 AM, Blogger PTfan said...

That's horrible. I'm so sorry about that. Thinking about it, I guess you can use this just to get you thinking about being more aware of your surroundings. Just be aware, don't be afraid. I learned in a self defense class a long while ago that criminals rarely go after people who look like they are sure of themselves and paying attn. They go after the timid ones who are preoccupied and haven't a clue. When you walk, walk with purpose and confidence. Don't walk in fear, don't look scared, look like if someone came to you, you would kick their butt. Your presence and attitude do make a defference.

Have you ever had any self defense classes? If not, find one. Usually it's only a one time deal and you learn some pretty useful things.
A few pointers:
-Make lots of noise. Hollar. It not only freaks out the criminal who does not want to be noticed but it also stirs up something in you to give you extra strength.
-Walk with your keys in your hand in such a way that one of your keys is protruding out of your fist like a small weapon. Use it as such if you must.
-The old standby, the knee in the nuts really works.
-Also, the heel of your hand to the bridge of a nose works great too. It's very sensitive and gets their eyes watering, etc. that they can't see for a bit.
-Always look around, give yourself a vantage point to be able to see around and under your car before you get there. Also, peek in the back seet before you even open your car, just to see if someoen is there.
-Obviously, keep your doors locked.

Don't be afraid, just be prepared.

Self defense classes will also teach you how to get out from the grip of someone who has restrained you. It also teaches you how to disarm someone. I have forgotten all of that stuff. I guess I should find a class and brush up.

Thanks for your sweetness to me on my blog.

Take care.

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Meg said...

I too just moved from the inner city (Philadelphia, PA) to the suburbs (you can read all about it on my blog)I did it for the safety of my children, I have two teenagers and two little ones. My youngest two girls ages 9 and 5 did not know how to ride a bike because they were not safe riding bikes in the streets or sidewalks of our old neighborhood. Just remember to always be aware of your surroundings and don't take unnecessary risks but don't let fear keep you from living your life.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Thanks, ptfan and Meg.

This morning I was able to read the police summary of the incident (it's just been posted on our bulletin board in my building). I still have questions, but I also have more info., which helps.

The guy did not have a knife, he said he had a gun and just wanted a ride, but no gun was found, and worst of all, he was living in our complex as an "unapproved resident." In other words, another resident who did get through the screening process and was renting here had been letting him stay here. When the management found out, after the crime, they evicted the resident who'd been letting him live here. That person had to move out the next day.

The crime happened at 8:30 at night, not late at night, and he didn't have to break in to the garage, as he was living here and had the key! That makes me both relieved and mad.

I look forward to the safety meeting and will be thorough in my questions.

Ptfan, those are all great tips and yes, I've had a self defense class. I've also been in two situations where I had to use those tips, and I was successful (I scared away a would-be attacker once, with my noise, and escaped with only a skinned knee and torn pantihose!).

Meg, I'll go read your blog.

Thanks, girls.

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Model citizen said...


I lived in posh West Bloomington for three whole years, in a gigantic complex called Hampshire Hill. I paid $1075 a month for our 'luxury apartment.'

Our underground parking garage was broken into were smashed on 20 cars one particular morning. The caretaker's family had people (obvious riff raff) coming and going constantly. Even in the outdoor parking lot, my car was egged, and so were others.

I phoned the office every time this shit happened, yelling into the voicemail...and nothing was ever done about it. The cops could do nothing, but take our reports and leave. My ex's car had so much damage done to it that he stopped using a stereo, and to this day hasn't replaced his ripped up dash and console. His cell phone was stolen, and we found a whole book of CDs from our next door neighbor scattered everywhere on the concrete.

It doesn't matter where you live, how much you pay, what you do to better yourself and your family. There will always be a bad apple waiting nearby to rain on your parade. It's disgusting.

If only I could catch someone in the act; that would be my moment to shine.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Jess, I hear you. Funny, I know Hampshire Hills 'cause I have to drive out that way quite often in my work!

This whole neighborhood has been built in the past couple of years. The apartments opened less than two years ago. It's got a lot going for it and is "luxury" in many ways.

I am vigilant about my surroundings and my neighbors and I am always talking to the management about anything that seems off.

We can only do so much, but I am one of those people who speaks out, so I will just have to do what I can.

And yeah, I actually question people sometimes if I see them in the building and don't know them. Can do this in an easygoing way ("Did you just move in?") or in an aggressive way, but still, keeping an eye on it is good.

For a bunch of reasons, I'm not buying a house or townhome here in Minnesota. I'm moving in 2008 and financially it makes good sense to rent for now. So this is my neighborhood. I want it to stay good!

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Tom Matchett said...

Hi Brina,

Just checking in on your side of the water, after you posted on my blog earlier.

Chilling stuff, eh? Crime always seems to feel like something that just comes on the TV screen or in the newspaper photograph. And than "BANG" its on your doorstep (or in my case, BANG I was being mugged outside someone's doorstep about a year ago).



I noticed that you listed Kramer Vs Kramer on your favourite films. I watched that for the first time the other day, and ofcourse, I loved it. Particularly, the music that I guessed right as being Henri Purcell, who always somehow gets under my skin! Brilliant stuff.

I used his piece "Chacony" in a short film I once made.

Take care,


At 1:14 PM, Blogger JoeBoy said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better about the crime. I think PTFAN had some great advice in the first comment. Take care.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hey Tom and Joeboy,

Feeling better about it, and I'm sort of raring to go with the idea of a residents' council for our apartment complex.

Tom, I do love "Kramer vs. Kramer," very much, and the music is so beautifully scored and is used so well. Lots of times the integration of music and story makes the movie for me. "Out of Africa," for example. Even "Titanic," with all its faults, was masterful in its use of music. I actually love that score, have it for piano and play it quite often. It's very moving.

Good call on the Purcell. Isn't there Vivaldi in "Kramer vs. Kramer," too?


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