Sunday, November 06, 2005

My beach in Pacifica, Rockaway Beach, as seen from the balcony of my favorite hotel room, in August.

It really does feel as though you are sleeping ON the beach when you sleep here.

Missing it, but I know I'll be back in less than two months.

The ridge you can see? Both A.J. and I have climbed it!


At 11:55 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Hi Brina,

Beautiful picture! I love the ocean.

Well, I guess it's a small world! My Mom is from Cape Breton and my Dad is a Scottish fiddler. They go down there every year for about 2 weeks to see family and do the whole music thing.

Happy studying to you! I have a Bachelor's degree in Criminology, but it hasn't seemed to help my employment situation, so I've applied for Teacher's College for fall 2006. I'm not looking forward to being back in the books (if I get in, that is - won't know until April), but if it'll give me a good, stable job, I'll do it. My husband knows all about the studying thing - he has a Ph.D. and spent 12 years of university getting all that! Crazy, but worth it in the end.

I didn't used to be into the whole designer shopping thing either, but I seem to have caught the bug. I know what you mean - it's so easy to accumulate stuff over the years. I would love to have one of those Alexander McQueen scarves Rachel has around her dogs' necks for myself! Hahaha. I'm still working on that one.

I'm just printing up the Waltz I found on a free sheet music site. Can't wait to try it out. Hope you had a good weekend!

Mary Beth

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hi MB,

The Cape Breton fiddlers are the best! I have a CD here somewhere by one of the McDonald fiddlers: Archie? something like that? Very famous in those parts.

You'll do fine going back to school but yes, it's a LOT of work.

Cape Breton is in my heart almost as much as northern California. Wow, I'm thinking of Baddeck, and swimming there (in a lake, I think it's Baddeck Lake?), so clear and beautiful, and the wildflowers, the lupines were always everywhere!

What part of Cape Breton is your mom from?

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Mom's from Dominion (near Sydney). You must be talking about the Bras D'Or lakes? Very beautiful! There's tons of fiddling around Baddeck, and my parents actually stayed there for a whole week last summer because there was so much to do. I haven't been down there in ages, but my aunt from Maryland recently bought a summer home there, and she adored it this summer past. I guess that means I'll have to go see her place next year! Oh, darn, twist my arm! :o)

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Oh, Mary Beth, that's right, the Bras D'Or lakes. We stayed at a place so close you could walk right down to the water. My son and I went swimming. Boy, that was nice.

I've been to Cape Breton twice, each time was full of those kinds of beautiful moments. Lots of hiking, great food, history everywhere, and the music...there's a university in Cape Breton where they have a summer festival about Cape Breton music. We happened to be there right around that time.

I love the place names up there, too, in Nova Scotia: Antigonish, Pictou, Annapolis Royal, Halifax, all very interesting places.

You really must visit your aunt there in the summer, what a wonderful place.

My son still remembers the mussels at Digby/Smiths Cove. The whole beach seemed to be made of mussels!


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