Sunday, November 13, 2005

"A Night Piece" by Arthur Foote,
performed by Sarabande in our August concert.

The very last piano solo section in the piece just slays me. I mean, I have to close my eyes, it's so gorgeous. I played it with my eyes closed, too! (not the whole piece, silly, that would be dangerous!)

Please post if you get to download and listen. Hope you do.


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Kid Ric said...

Bravo! Bravo! Very well done. Thank you. Just what I needed to to lay me down to sleep.

Peace, love and light to you.

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Dear kid ric,

Yes, it's a night piece, after all, perfect for relaxing before bed. We did a lot of night music in that concert.

So glad you could hear it.

At 7:12 AM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Beautiful again, Brina! This is the perfect relaxation music for me - it just somehow clears my mind and puts it at ease. We have satellite TV and there are a bunch of channels that are nothing but music, and I listen to the Chamber Music channel all the time for this kind of thing. For me, listening to music like this is like laying in a stream, feeling water flowing down your whole body, washing away all the stresses of the day with it...if that makes any sense. *L* I guess that's my artsy way of describing it to myself! :o)

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Marietta Zervou said...

It's very beautiful.

...and I closed my eyes too!


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Got the download and listened! I swear I have hear that before, but like you said over on your other post (two down with the other song on it) I have listened by force to so many they all sort of blend in the end LOL. Ok that was a really intelligent thing to say hehehe. It is really beautiful! I think you are highly talented and YES I think we all should evolve more and listen more. You are starting a little trend here. Over on my blog all you get is me screaming into my phone at a concert-very educational let me tell you!

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Bri said...

So happy people are listening!

At 2:51 PM, Blogger PTfan said...

Brina, it's just beautiful. You are so talented. I commented on your lyric post and asked questions, but then I caught up on the posts I missed while my company was here, so it was kind of answered already before. Please tell me, did you call him? How did it go?

I love the picture of you in the woods with Polly. You are very pretty and the doggy is a cutie! I loved your blog about your time there too. Makes me want a dog and go hiking.

I love your blog. You are so honest and open. We can really see your heart and it is a lovely one. God's blessings to you Brina. What a beautiful soul you are.

You mentioned before that you would like to move back to the ocean area, yes? When do you think you willl? Is that where your love is?

What a wonderful time for your dear old friend to call you eh? It must have done your heart very good to hear from her.

Your friend that you love...he's the one in the hospital, yes? Is he better? What's up?

I hope I haven't asked things that you have answered already. Just trying to catch up.

At 5:49 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Hi ptfan,

Oh, dear, I can't answer some of those in semi-public!

My friend who was in the hospital is now home, and no, he hasn't broken my heart.

The heartbreaking man is far away and chooses not to take my calls. We are on what I would call a breather from each other, then. Probably healthy.

I have a five-year plan, and in that plan, I move to northern California in the summer of 2008. I will have just finished my master's (a three-year part-time program, I'm in year one right now), my son will have graduated from high school the same month I get the master's, and it will be time for me to make the move.

I plan to get a second master's degree in California or, who knows, perhaps it will end up being a doctorate, though I think a master's in this case makes more sense.

And I hope hope hope I can afford to live there. It's expensive.

Big hugs,

At 8:51 AM, Blogger PTfan said...

Thanks Brina for answering. You didn't have to but you did and I really appreciate it.

Hope your day is lovely.


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