Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Book Club ladies with cats!
And you thought we actually talked about books at Book Club???...can't you see, we mostly eat, talk, and play with the hostess's cats!
Our book this month was one I chose, Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being, which I admit I selected for us to read because I was so taken with the film when it came out years ago (1988).
It's a difficult book, which made for a good discussion.
I am the Book Club lady in the bright blue blouse, with cat on lap. My friends Lori, Jane, and Nancy are the other three Book Club beauties.

We meet every month on the second Monday night, and we take turns hosting. I've been so incredibly, intensely busy with my grad. school reading and projects, this was one of my only chances to see friends this month.


At 4:19 AM, Blogger Tom Matchett said...

Hi Brina,

Book Club. What a civilized thing to do on a Monday night.

Hope that the Grad School proposal is going well. How many words will the final paper be? Does the institution that your based with have good research facilities?

In England we have fight tooth and nail for this kind of thing. From my own experience though, I recommend that you generate as much original research as you can (if it fits in with your proposal) because it makes the work a much more exciting experience. The memory is sweeter too, I don't think about the million or so hours at the computer spent writing it, I think about meeting all the cool artists that I met.

Original research also makes you an instant expert in certain areas which means that you can write journal articles about them too!


At 7:37 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Yes, Tom, civilized is a good way to put it, though we can be quite silly too! We've been meeting since 1990. That means we're on year 15?! Used to have just five members; our current roster is at 12 but we've had as many as 14, I think.

I'm the official scribe/secretary of the group.

Coming up in February, my writer friend Charlie Baxter is going to be our guest. We're reading a book of his short stories, "A Relative Stranger" (I recommend it, you'd love it), and he'll share the evening with us. Should be really good, and I'm hosting that night.

We've been friends through thick and thin, this group. When my son died, it was Book Club who organized and hosted the gathering post-funeral, and we are always there for each other if someone is ill. Just a great bunch of ladies.

My grandfather saw photos of our club's holiday gathering one year, these were gorgeous photos shot by candlelight and each one of us looked amazing. Grampa, always appreciative of a good-looking female, declared us "a handsome bunch of women." Ever since then, we call ourselves handsome!!!

I'll tell you more about the research proposals (there are two) soon.

Hugs, Brina

At 9:25 AM, Blogger JoeBoy said...

Book Club Ladies with Cats. A great title for a song. As always I enjoy your post. I am sorry to see that you suffered the loss of a child.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Thank you, Joe. Ethan died eight years ago. You can see us in a post I put up about a month ago (somewhere in October), a great photo of the two of us. The little guy only lived 4 1/2 months but had a strong spirit and personality. A wonderful kid.


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