Friday, October 21, 2005

The sweetest thing in the world, a moment captured forever.

This is my favorite photo of baby Ethan. The way he's looking at me, the incredible love that flows between a mother and child: it's all there. And I feel really thankful that little E was with us.

He's my angel.

Seeing the photo of Mikey's new nephew today made me miss Ethan. I thought it might help me to put his photo up tonight. It did. Hope the photo comes across clean and beautiful.

Love those chubby cheeks. Somehow when I look at this photo I don't really see the wires or think of the NICU noises and how he was in critical condition every day of his life. I see a sweet, chubby-cheeked baby who still to this day makes me proud. He was the strongest little guy and certainly the most stubborn member of our family, and that's saying a lot, as we are a very stubborn bunch!

Thanks for letting me share him with my blog friends tonight.


At 10:24 PM, Blogger Kid Ric said...

Hello Brina,

My heart goes out to you and your family. Handsome little man that Ethan. Thanks for sharing this post. Peace, love and light.

At 6:40 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Thanks, kid ric. He was quite a little fighter, and sweet and cute. The drs. and nurses told us that Ethan was one of the most sociable little preemies they'd ever known. He demanded interaction and was just a charmer. Amazing how much personality a little baby can share with the world!

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Thanks, Rene. I don't in any way want to imply that your new nephew isn't the best thing in the world. In fact, because I've had a baby who died, I love babies even more than most people! Enjoy him!

Every single baby is the most precious gift in the whole world.

There's a line of poetry that says:
"more precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world". That's how Ethan's eyes still make me feel. And I was lucky to have him.

At 9:10 AM, Blogger PTfan said...

Thanks Brina. The way you described it is wonderful! The other people who saw the water, never described it inthe beautiful way that you did. Ooh. I like it. Maybe I should change the title...Just kidding!

Oh, he is so precious and beautiful. how can you and Shaun and everyone else have the most beautiful and precious babies when I do? Sheesh.

; )

Have a great day. Thanks for making mine with your comment.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger AlianaDrex said...

God Bless Ethan! He is beautiful and I will carry his sweet little face in my thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing your little angel with us.

At 1:23 PM, Blogger zombieH said...

bless you, Mermaid in Minnesota.


At 3:47 PM, Blogger PTfan said...

Brina, I was in such a hurry when I left the last comment, I didn't realize what you were truly communicating here. I just figured it out when you spelled it out in the Mental blog of Rachels. My goodness, I am so sorry!! I just can't even imagine. I love this picture how he is looking into your eyes. What a touching moment. I am so glad that you were able to capture this moment on film to help you remember his sweetness. When did all of this happen? How long did you have with him? Would you care to tell the whole story? Please forgive me if I am out of line with all these questions! Please forgive my breazing over things so quick and missing the point. I must have seemed so cold. Truly sorry.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Dear PT Fan, Of course I am not offended or hurt by what you posted, dear. I figured you just didn't understand.

I won't tell the whole story here, just a bit for now. Ethan was my younger son, born in 1996. He lived 138 days (4 1/2 months), all of it in critical condition in the NICU in the hospital. My older son was in first grade that year. Baby Ethan was premature, weighed 2 pounds, 7 ozs. at birth, and had serious complications w/his lungs. He was a fighter, though, a really gutsy little guy, and he wanted to stick around.

He died of complications of prematurity and the lung problems when he was 4 1/2 months old. He passed peacefully back into heaven. I always felt he was halfway there and halfway on earth, throughout his life here. Of course his death was very hard for us all, and still is in some ways. This is one reason I'm in grad. school studying counseling. I'm going to be a grief counselor.

You know how each kid is different? Ethan had a very clear personality, and he expressed himself as babies will, but he couldn't cry aloud because he was either on the ventilator (half his life) or too weak to cry. He did, however, utter cute little noises and showed us a lot of himself in other ways.

He was adorable, as you can see. My blond baby (both my now-ex-husband and I are dark haired). His eyes were blue for the first three months of his life, and then one night they turned chocolate brown overnight! Honestly!

I will save the rest for another time. But he is our angel. I miss him very much but I also carry him in my heart. I love to talk about him. A proud mom, still.

Thanks for asking. Love, Brina

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Thanks, also, Ali and Zombie.

It always feels good to me to share my little angel with people.

If you know anybody who is bereaved, make a point to say their loved one's name aloud. That's something that people avoid doing, for whatever reason, and it is just so hard not to hear the name.

Hearing Ethan's name makes my whole heart sing!

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Hey made his mark and I know you will see him again! Bless you for being a mother! I think it is the most honorable job in the world and I love it with all my heart.

So sorry I called you Britta on my blog I just caught that and it was rude. Forgive me. My brain thinks faster than my hands type....imagine a vortex. lol.

Have a peaceful night!

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Model citizen said...

I just swallowed a lump in my throat the size of a softball.

Those cheeks, my god...what a little angel!


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