Thursday, October 13, 2005

What did you discover this week?

* If I slack off on my Pilates workouts, I can see it and feel it in my body. (well, duh...)

* My dog really enjoys hearing the sound of her own bark. It makes her happy to bark. She is learning when it is appropriate to bark and when it is not...I have to keep teaching her this because we live in an apartment building, admittedly it's a "pet building" but still, it's not cool to bark in the hallways just to hear your own mellifluous voice, is it?!

* It is better to have no iced mocha at all than to have an inferior iced mocha. (I ordered one while on the road up in Two Harbors on Monday, and it was just...blek...I should only ever drink iced mochas from my favorite coffeehouse, the Bru; all other iced mochas are just a waste.)

* This week, I discovered: Simon Townshend! (Hello, Simon, if you are reading this!)

* On Tuesday, I discovered that I really am able to do this graduate school thing without worrying that I am somehow not up to it. I am. And I'm doing just great. Enough with the occasional self-doubt crap. I'm doing it!

* It feels really good to pray in class. We do, at Bethel: each Tuesday night before my second class we pray as a group, with the professor praying aloud after first asking us if we have any prayer requests. This astonishes me, in many ways. I am becoming less surprised every time we do this. And when the professor prays for us to have clarity of mind, and focus, and good health and strength for our many challenges in and out of class? I just get chills. It's so good to feel that love and inclusiveness. Studying at a Christian university is quite a radical act, in some ways.

That's it so far, but that's a pretty big discovery list for just a few days.

Tell me some of your discoveries this week?


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