Sunday, December 25, 2005

My pride and joy (the teenager, not the tree!)

A.J. loved my gifts to him, incl. Bowie, Iggy and the Stooges, The Doors, Kerouac, Jim Morrison, some Chinese writing utensils and a Chinese calendar, clothing, and "Home Movies" on DVD. And Polly says, "Phew, opening presents is hard work!" (she got a chocolate ball from my sis!). Finally, here is our reindeer, all lit up. I like it, tacky, yup, and fun!


At 4:51 PM, Blogger Claire Eliza said...

He got some great gifts!

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hi Claire! Yes, he did, and he is excited about reading the bio. of Jim Morrison and Kerouac's "Book of Dreams," which is not a novel but his dream journal.

We are big on dream journals in our family. Do you keep one?

Hugs, and happy Christmas,

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Claire Eliza said...

Yes, i do keep one. i go thru stages where i write in it a lot, but then sometimes its like once a month.

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Claire, Me too. What's really cool is that I have my old dream journals going back decades. I used to read aloud from them to A.J. when he was younger. He would request them! Of course some dreams are not suitable for sharing, but some are.

So the Kerouac "Book of Dreams" is a great gift for him, from me. Also Kerouac is special in our family, long story, I'll blog the Kerouac story sometime soon.


At 8:37 AM, Blogger Marietta Zervou said...

Hey Brina,

I love the pictures! Especially the reindeer all lit up, is such a great idea!

I hope you're having fun....

I will blog about my day soon, I got some great gifts from my friends and family...

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Nabonidus said...

I so regret that I never kept a dream journal. I really should start one, there's no excuse.Even Mikey and Karel
say that I'm good at dream interpretation. I can actually remember most of my dreams.
That's so smart, Brina!
You're such a good Mom, everyone can tell. I know it's not just me. You;'re an awesome mom, I wish you'd been my mom. That's all I can say.xoxolisa

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Tom Matchett said...

Your son has cool hair.

Take it from someone who also has cool hair.


At 6:39 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Dear Lisa,

I'm really touched by that. Thanks.

I had a great mom. Although she had major problems with depression and anxiety throughout her life and was not as fully functional as she wanted to be, she loved us and was a vibrant person.

I learned a lot from her, not just how to be a mom but also some things I wanted to do differently with my kids (boundaries, for example, and rules--we had none with our mom!).

The most important things: the unconditional love, the commitment to your kids, the sharing and openness, honesty and encouragement of your kids as individuals, all of that? I got from her.

Thanks for writing what you did.



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