Sunday, November 20, 2005

More beauty!

Today was a foggy Sunday in Vancouver. We attended Catholic mass at the Holy Rosary Cathedral in downtown Van., because my cousin Marcus was playing trumpet at the services today. He is a world-class trumpeter and whenever I hear him perform, whether with the Vancouver Symphony, solo, or in a setting like this with organ accompanist, I cry big tears. He just slays me with his gorgeous sounds and elegant, honest musical playing. He is a wonderful human being and you can HEAR that in his playing, truly.

So we went to Mass, the whole family (I am not a Catholic, by the way). It turned out to be quite a moving service. The Gospel was about how we treat others, not just the people in our immediate family and circle and church, but how we treat other people in our daily lives, how we treat the needy, the homeless, the poor, the ill, the elderly, our neighbors in the literal and larger sense: not about how we treat them on Sunday through the collection plate, but how we treat them as a regular way of our being. According to this Gospel and this priest, that is what will determine who gets in to heaven.

After the service, we lit candles for special people. I lit a candle for Barry Cowsill, who is still missing after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Barry hasn't been heard from since September 1st and his family and Cowsill fans (I am one) have been waging a campaign to find him or to find out what's happened since his last phone calls out of New Orleans. Their website is if you'd like to read about Barry and perhaps help in some way.

So I lit a candle for Barry today.

This afternoon, my aunt and I went to see a ballroom dancing demonstration. I can still see the beautiful dancers gliding by us! We were so close to them, it was something to see. They did the fox trot, quick step, waltz, rumba, samba, and of course the tango, and the jive. The youngest dancer of the six couples was 13 and most were in college at UBC. One couple has competed internationally. Truly awesome to watch them.

We walked a bit more in the fog, and tonight we drove out to the suburbs to have dinner with my cousin and his family. More music there, lots of good stories and laughter.

After a drive home in thick, thick fog, we are all sleepy and ready for bed. No before-bed swims tonight, we are all too drowsy for that.

I feel so content. I'm completely caught up on my sleep (was truly sleep-deprived in recent weeks) and the stress level is almost nil. I just don't feel it.

My recent heartbreak situation has been healing, with a resulting peacefulness in my heart.

I'll be home in four days. I miss my son and my dog and my Minnesota life, but I am so happy to have this Vancouver time. Good night! Write if you read this.

Brina in the foggy city


At 8:04 AM, Blogger Model citizen said...

Sounds like a blast...

I am glad shit worked itself out, it usually does.

Hope you're having fun in Canada.

I heart you!

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Hi Jess, I heart you too. You make me laugh even in the midst of hard stuff.

Right now, I am so well rested I can't even tell you. It feels as though my brain synapses are all connected again. I believe I've been sleep deprived for months, because grad. school, work, and life have made so many demands on the 24 hours of each day.

If only I could stay this well rested. Perhaps that is my challenge for the months to come!

We are going to see a Picasso exhibit today, and tonight I have my tarot cards read. Fun!

Take good care, please e-mail me if you have time.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hey, I Just realized kbg is Ken, hi Ken!

I agree with you, which is why I wrote it as "according to this priest"...still, I liked his emphasis on the importance of how we live every day and of how we treat people.

Remember what Martin Luther King said about being judged by the content of your character? That's kind of what I was thinking in the mass the other day.

Your character should lead you to treat other people well and to reach out. So in a way, your character, not your "works," would be the important thing.


At 4:46 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

I tried Ballroom a year after I retired...just was not my thing but I am back into it now! LOVE IT! Take Salsa on Fridays!


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