Thursday, April 13, 2006

Let's come up with some good break-up some if you can!

I have had Neil Young, two of his songs, in my head since Friday.
"Only Love Can Break Your Heart"


"Tell Me Why"

Both are good to play over and over in your head.

What are your best break-up songs?


At 2:02 AM, Blogger Koos F said...

Hi Brina
Just bursting in.
How about 50 ways to leave your lover by Paul Simon.
You can even make up your own, like 'You didn't have to be so nice, you would have left me anyway' (Lovin' Spoonful).
Wish you courage,


At 7:10 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Oh, those are good, Koos!

I am feeling pretty good today.

My work is quite engrossing at the moment, and my studies for grad. school are both demanding and fascinating, so I am letting myself really focus in those areas and simply feel the feelings of the heartbreak as they come.

It does seem rather unreal. The medium he chose, e-mail, is the most impersonal medium possible, and as a result it doesn't seem like it even happened. Very odd.

Did you see Pete, Rachel, and Mikey addressing my breakup on ITA? It was so sweet and funny, and I particularly loved that Pete went into the spiel about how there's no good way to be dumped. True!

Hope you are well. In your photo, you have the look of an explorer or adventurer. I like it!

Hugs, Brina

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Koos F said...

Hi Brina,
Yes, I noticed Pete's spiel; I think he said really wise things there. It seems to me that his long time involvement with a spiritual path shows in this type of discourse.
Remaining active is a very healthy method to cope with a split-up. As Marietta says, better times are on the way. Pete once said about a similar situation that future problems will completely overshadow today's. Well, it takes a certain detachment to find that encouraging - but it is very true.


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