Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I don't want you to feel sorry for me, but I spent six consecutive hours in the dentist's chair today. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Six hours!

I'm in the final phase of the dental implant process, the cosmetic stage, and it is very precise and, in my case, complicated. What was slated to be a three-hour appointment became a 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. marathon because my dentist ran into a problem along the way. It was quite exhausting for me, but also for him and his assistant. None of us had a proper lunch break. He did have someone from the office staff run out to get me a milkshake, which I soon discovered I could not drink out of a straw. I was numb and was missing some teeth (temporarily)!

Finally they found me a spoon, and I was allowed to swallow some milkshake before they resumed working on me. I left at 3 p.m., and I am still waking up from the numb, bruised feeling. Now I just feel drowsy and bruised.

I will be ok. I'm just happy to be home safe and sound, warm, cozy, and nowhere I have to go tonight.

Thanks for letting me vent, blog friends.

And to look at me, you probably wouldn't know there's anything going on in my smile, at the moment. But I know!

I won't be quite done with this process until around the 1st of the year. I started it in August 2004, right when I was moving into this apartment. What a long haul!

What's your day been like?


At 7:49 PM, Blogger Mary Beth said...

Oh God, just hearing the word 'dentist' makes me cringe. 9-3 is an incredibly long haul to be in that chair.

Can you believe my mother is one of those people who just falls asleep during root canals and wakes up when they're over?? If I had to sit in that chair for 30 days straight, I would certainly never fall asleep! *L*

I hope you're feeling better soon!

At 5:57 AM, Blogger PTfan said...

Goodness. Did you get to go to the bathroom during that time???

At 6:20 AM, Blogger Bri said...

We did take two "stretching" breaks as well as about an hour for him to craft a new retainer for me while I tried to drink a milkshake.

The good part is that I love this dentist and have gone to him for decades. He is kind. And he is my age, and we always say, "How is it possible?" because our kids, who were just born, it seems, our teenagers! He's a great guy. And calls me "Kiddo," as in, "You doing ok, kiddo?"

So I made it through. But today I feel like someone ran over my face.

At 6:21 AM, Blogger Bri said...

P.S. You know I'm not myself when I type "our" instead of "are"! wowwwww!

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Model citizen said...

I skipped the dentist for about six years due to a 'finally out on my own at 17, not sure how to be an adult and make appointments and being broke' period, and when I finally got the checkup and full xrays, I had NINE cavities that had to be filled. Five on one side, four on the other. They broke it up into three appointments, but still, each appointment was about two hours or so, and even THAT sucked.

Dental implants are SO expensive, I won't even ask. I wish I could be at home blogging, I don't even have a fucking computer at home. It makes me want to cry, I miss chatting at home when the kids are in bed. When I DO get a computer (by the grace of God)I will be adding videos and stuff to my blog, so I'm kinda looking forward to it.


At 7:36 AM, Blogger Model citizen said...

P.S. I can help you add some links if you need it. Doesn't look like you've mastered it yet.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger JoeBoy said...

I hope your feeling better. Just think about when it is all done and you have healed. It will be worth it.

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Marietta Zervou said...

Hey Brina,

Terrifying story, dentist gaaaaa! It's a good thing you know him for many years, it sort of eases the agony.

I've been changing mine for years, and now I've moved to England and I haven't been to one yet, I keep going to my old one in Greece.

Hope everything goes well.
Everything for a beautiful smile!!!

Take care

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Oh I am so sorry! I was to go get a minor surgery today and they had to bump it back from the time and so it conflicted with my schedule and plus I was just not prepared to go in...too stressful! Ahhhhhhhh they now want me in on Monday. I HATE the dentist. Mine is a good friend but still I am not to thrilled about it!


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