Friday, October 07, 2005

My beautiful canopy bed, the first purchase I made upon striking out on my own last's my bed in the stars, so comfortable, so pretty, and I am so happy with it. You can only see part of it in this photo; it's really huge, and it reaches so high. I briefly experimented with putting an actual canopy at the top, you know, like in "Out of Africa", almost mosquito-netting like white sheer fabric? But you know, I would wake up in the night feeling claustrophic, whereas with the bed open like this, I sleep well all night and wake up feeling as though I'm floating in the sky.

Sometimes at night the moonlight comes in my window and makes the little stars shine. I love that so much.

You can see a bit of my room in this photo, too. My favorite mermaid painting, and a few of my nighties hanging up. I'm still getting the art up on the walls, and I plan to buy either two cozy chairs or a loveseat for the other part of the room. Right now, that part is Polly's domain; she sleeps up against the far wall with the windows above her (I have a whole wall of windows which look out on the skyline), and there's really nothing else in that area of the bedroom except my big hanging mirror.

I love my room. I'm the princess there!

On the bed is Snow Leopard. He was a gift from my friend J. when we were at the Vancouver Zoo two years ago. I sleep with him every night (Snow Leopard, not J.)! giggle


At 1:35 AM, Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

I LOVE these types of beds! I may purchase one for my little girl for our house when it is finished...still thinking. I have a few clients who love these as well!

Beautiful verdigras finish! I love your Piano too! I fould love to have one as well!!

Just stopping by to see who you are from Rachels blog.

Have a great day!!

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Bri said...

Hi ballerinagurl,

Yes, every little girl wants a canopy bed. I figured that this was my time, my chance to make that come true for myself. It's a grown-up version of the little girl dream!

The verdigras finish had to be specially done and I had to wait several months for the bed to be delivered, but I'm glad I chose that shade. It's just right for me.

I will visit your blog too. Thanks for coming over.



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