Tuesday, July 03, 2007

How to Make Yourself Irreplaceably Lovable: The List

(It worked on me...and I don't regret it.)

* snore in your sleep

* prefer cats to humans, but exhibit a soft spot for certain humans too

* sing to your girlfriend in a loud, ill-modulated voice, especially songs with irritating choruses; at other times, sing in a sweet and soft, almost pretty voice and make her swoon; also, sing love ballads in the shower when you don't realize she's listening!

* "lose" items that are actually in your pocket, especially very close to the time when you really must be out the door to an appointment, work, or even to catch a plane

* work your way so deep into your loved one's heart that it is impossible to extract you, ever

* be yourself, the good/bad/ugly

* while being yourself, be surprising at times so that your loved one can't fully understand or predict what you will do next

* sing, often

* laugh, every day

* be forgiving, and admit when you need to be forgiven

* hold your loved one's hand

* be yourself


At 7:34 AM, Blogger Bri said...

I guess the lesson here is: Just because you love someone, that doesn't mean you can make your life with him.



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