Friday, March 09, 2007

I've got the flu. Bad. I feel as though I've been run over, and every joint and fiber in my body is aching.

Please send me some "there, there, it'll be ok" hugs, virtually speaking. I promise you can't catch my flu that way.

This is the painting on my bedroom wall which I see when I'm in bed. I love her. She is keeping me company, more than tv or music. I'll tell you about the painting next time I blog.


At 8:15 AM, Blogger Cathy with a C said...

Poor baby. There, there, there ((((((hugs)))))

I hope you will feel better soon. Nothing worse than feeling that bad. I work for Johnson & Johnson so I hope you are using our products (Tylenol, Motrin) to help you get through it.

Here's sending you healing thoughts and good wishes.

Love the painting!


At 7:16 PM, Blogger Metalchick said...

Hi Bri,
There, there, you'll be OK.

I hope you get better soon!


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