Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Enough about me! That's really what I feel like saying, after writing mostly about myself on this blog lately.

Question for my blogger friends:

What is the most impulsive thing you've done lately? It can be big (told someone "I love you" for the first time aloud) or small (bought a new outfit you really didn't need) or anything in between (you fill in here __________).

Promise: If you share yours, I'll share mine, and it's a really good one I did today, impulsively!

Love, Brina


At 10:25 PM, Blogger grace said...

Hi Brina, Been catching up on the blogs. My Mom passed away 5 years ago aswell. The end of this month. Such a bummer. Too young. Anyway, I must be boring because I cannot think of an impulsive thing I have done lately?? umm?? Well, It would be June arriving,( but that is not probably what you are looking for.) Although that is pretty crazy - as the days go by. she gets insane with energy, I though summer was energetic, no way.!!!! June is exhausting. Days start early. 3 - 5 am. You know - having lived with a Brittany before!! A 2 time Brittany mom? I must be crazy. I guess that would be impulsive.?! As you must be saying to yourself!!! I hope that all is well with you, and you are healthy. Happy 4th ... x Grace

At 5:06 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Dear Grace,

Yes, my dear, adopting a second Brittany spaniel was impulsive, generous, and a bit ambitious of you!

I am sorry about your mom's death as well. Mine is helping me through hard times in her own way. She knew the man I've been seeing, back when he was a teenage hippie with me, and she loved him, and all those years later when I knew him again, she'd say to me aloud, "What are you going to do about him?" I was married at the time and would simply sigh and say, "Nothing I can do."

She pressed me on it and let me know that when you love someone that much, you have a responsibility to at least stay open to your possibilities. Well, here I am years later from that conversation. I'm divorced, I'm single, I could follow my heart with him, and yet we keep hitting roadblocks. It's ironic. But I hear Mom's voice so often: "What are you going to do about him?"


Moms are wise.

Be well. Love, Brina

At 5:07 AM, Blogger Bri said...

Dear kbg (Is it you, Ken?),

Interesting question.

You know I'm both impulsive and sharing in my writing style, and I am in life too.

After I posted this query, I wondered if I would be brave enough to tell my blogger friends about my VERY impulsive act. I'm still pondering.

So like you, sometimes I have to step back and ponder.



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