Friday, September 09, 2005

All about the love:
Interesting little moment today with the mother/daughter team who clean at our apartment building. They are really into Polly. They always give her attention, get down on her level, and Polly gives them dog kisses. Very sweet.

The daughter is finishing up her work here and won't be doing cleaning at our building after tomorrow. She was saying her goodbyes to Polly today and she told me, "I was thinking about it, and Polly is the thing I'll miss most about working here."

Isn't that amazing? How animals give and receive love, and how they change the feeling of the people around's awesome.

I feel so horrible for the people affected by Hurricane Katrina who had to leave their pets behind. Can you imagine being torn away from your dog? It really is like leaving your child behind. I'm not at all sure I could stand it, and yet I've already had "the worst" happen in my life, losing Ethan, right? Still, if I had to leave Polly behind in a tragedy? It would be devastating.

She's also very funny, and smart, and stubborn (like me!).

She's a great dog. I'm lucky to have her. I adopted her last year on September 17th. Moved in here on the 15th and had her with me by that Friday. I am so glad I chose her, of all the dogs needing homes. She's my girl!


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